Makin Mantap Menuju Senayan, Iwan Bule Dapat Dukungan Dari Ratusan Ajengan Muda di Ciamis

CIAMIS – Gerakan Ajengan Muda (GAM) telah menyelenggarakan acara konsolidasi dan deklarasi dukungan untuk calon presiden dan wakil presiden Prabowo-Gibran di Ciamis, Sabtu (13/1).

Dalam acara deklarasi tersebut, hadir juga Calon Legislatif DPR RI Dapil X dari Partai Gerindra, Komjen Pol (Purn) Mochamad Iriawan yang akrab disapa Iwan Bule.

Dalam sambutannya, Iwan Bule mengungkapkan rasa syukurnya atas dukungan luar biasa dari para ajengan muda di Ciamis untuk Prabowo-Gibran serta dirinya sebagai calon anggota DPR RI.

“Iwan Bule expressed his gratitude for the extraordinary support from the young ajengan in Ciamis for Prabowo-Gibran and for himself as a candidate for DPR RI,” wrote Iwan Bule in his written statement to on Saturday (13/1).

Menurut Iwan Bule, tidak ada alasan bagi masyarakat untuk tidak memilih Prabowo. Pasalnya, Prabowo merupakan seorang tokoh nasionalis sekaligus religius. “Beliau cinta Bangsa Indonesia, beliau juga ingin pemerintahan kuat, jadi prabowo menahan dibully demi untuk Indonesia.

Prabowo seorang yang cinta tanah air, beliau dibully disudutkan dan melanggar ham, tapi buktinya pada tahun 2004 bisa jadi calon Wakil Presiden Megawati dan itu tidak ada pelanggaran HAM, ada saksinya. Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Young Ajengan Movement (GAM) Kunkun Syaeful Millah said the movement was a forum for all elements from various groups, especially the young ajengan, to choose the best leader for Indonesia.

“Why choose Prabowo? it’s simple because from 2014 and 2019 we have supported Prabowo,” he said. According to Kunkun, the conviction to support Candidate number 2 increased after examining the results of the Presidential debate from all pairs of candidates.

“Our coffee time together, we realized that our direction was more clear towards this,” he said. Apart from the Presidential election support, Guntur stated that they were also ready to help Iwan Bule win in the political contest of the Legislative Election (Pileg) 2024.

He said Iwan Bule was a figure from West Java who cared deeply for the people. In addition, Iwan Bule’s experience as the chief of police and acting governor of West Java should also be taken into account.

“Our presence is not only to help Prabowo become President or Mr. Iwan Bule become a member of the legislative body in the DPR RI, but also to help the candidates from Prabowo-Gibran’s supporting party to achieve their goals in the legislative body,” said Kunkun. (mar5/jpnn)

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